Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wow - it's been a long time between drinks...

... literally and figuratively - I haven't had an alcoholic drink in over 12 months and while mulling over journal articles with a cold beer in hand seems appealing, I think I'll stick with my grog-less ways for the foreseeable future.

It's also been a while since my last blog post. Last semester left me reeling and re-evaluating a lot of my work habits (or non-work habits as the case may be). Though instead of trying to correct them over the break, I think I've been steadily reinforcing them. In an attempt to keep up the momentum of the last few weeks of class, I signed up to undertake a minor project over summer and try and get a head start on 2014. The whole thing has been an ordeal for me. While I handed in the first piece on time, I'm finding it a challenge just "getting" the next part and at 75% and with a few busy weeks ahead I need to "get it" to "do it". Having the blues doesn't appear to help matters either - nothing is clear and motivation is zilch when a cloud sits over your head.

So in an attempt to clear the cloud, understand the task and get on with it, I've returned to blogging. While blogging may seem to be more of a time-waster than a productive use of my time, I'm hoping that by airing concerns, thoughts and having some perceived accountability to my posts I'll be 1. a more efficient worker and 2. a better contributor to the LIS profession.

So many people are doing wonderful work out there - it's inspiring. It's also daunting for me as I haven't figured out my place in the profession or discovered what I'm most passionate about. People are writing journal articles and theses relating to the profession and I don't know if that's me. I want to be involved in digital literacy and promote the joys of reading so do I have to pursue an academic path? Can I still contribute without submitting journal articles? I'm trying to figure this out sooner rather than later, particularly as the deadline for our professional portfolios approaches and there are a number of elements I'm not sure how to tackle. We have to convey our skills and contributions through the work we've done both in and outside of class and while I've passed majority of assessment pieces, I'm not sure if I've done work of a high enough standard or of significance for presentation in my portfolio. There's also the matter of the outstanding 50 hours of professional placement that I need to undertake. I've sent out a few emails and am eagerly awaiting replies.

Before the end of February, I aim to have completed my minor project and to have made steps towards figuring out how I can contribute meaningfully to the profession in a way that suits me.

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